More insights from the engineering team

Hello, World 👋

On 17 February 2021, our engineers made the first git commit to the Involve App Github repository. Today, we have published over 1,500 commits with new features, bug fixes, and improvements which averages to 3 commits per day. Our repository is growing daily and contains 99.8% dart code, the underlying language of Flutter.

Giving knowledge to the most valuable people, you! 🎓

One of our commitments as engineers is to give back to the community supporting us. In the future, we would like to share more insights about what is happening behind the scenes at Involve, what kind of enhancements the team is working on, and how we realize new features rolling out to our app regularly. Technology is moving fast, and we think Thailand, as a developing country, should not miss out on adopting new technologies.

Attracting new talent 🧑‍💻

Job applicants often are uncertain about what to expect from a job as an engineer at Involve. We want to clear the path from bugs and make the decision easier for you to know if you are a good fit for the engineering position you are applying for. Learning from us means that you are interested in our work and want to move forward and improve yourself.

Involve's engineering diary 📖

Writing down our engineers' journey adds the benefit of providing new hires with professional reading material for historical context.

Talking about past engineering events with the teammates, laughing about how things were done a few years ago, and understanding the results of the changes we made throughout the time. This is only possible if our stories are preserved and kept for the future.

With that said, let's be excited about what is coming and the Involve launch. We can't wait to see you as part of our journey. 🚀